
Half/Half is a creative partnership formed through a mutual love of art, going to gigs, practical design and a soft spot for all things cute.

Need some creative help or advice in your life? We'd love to help. In the past we've been able to help people with the look, feel and theme of their event, fun ideas that are a talking point and practical ways to get ideas out of their head.

We love questions, opportunities and notes. To say hello, feel free to drop us a line:

Email: hello@halfhalf.me
Etsy: halfhalf.etsy.com 
Facebook: facebook.com/halfhalfau
Instagram: @lauratj @jodeska #halfhalfau

Love music? Don't forget to follow Half/Half playlist on Spotify, we update it quite regularly http://bit.ly/halfhalfspotify

Meet the family:

Jo loves Hello Kitty, yum cha and timelines for everything.
Visit Jo's personal blog jodeska.blogspot.com

She loves muted colours and has neat handwriting.
Visit Laura's personal blog lauratj.blogspot.com



Email: hello@halfhalf.me
Instagram: @lauratj @jodeska #halfhalfau


Half/Half is the creative collaboration between Laura & Jo.
We are based in Sydney and we do fun arty stuff.
